
The Scepter, also known as the Prayer Wheel, is an advanced weapon that evolved from the Club. The Scepter has become a healing tool for disseminating vibrational forces. After mastering the Shamanic Weapons, healing the psyche, and returning from the underworld, the Scepter is awarded to the warrior practitioner. With Scepter in hand, goodwill is dispersed and abundance is realized, along with tremendous generosity. The spinning central wheel casts the intentions of the user outward into the world and outer worlds. The Scepter is potentially dangerous to its user; it must be handled properly and with wisdom. Indeed, this is a highly evolved object, not to be wielded without permission from a Master. One must allow the abundance of the underworld to rise unfettered through the practitioner, and out through the Scepter’s rotating wheel. Wisdom gained by the functional use of the Scepter is passed down through generations, creating a spiritual bond of love to all ancestors, past and future.

Wood, paper, string, pigment, seeds, crystals, stones
38 x 9 x 9 in.